Research at our LAB
It was in 2015 that the researchers in this laboratory decided to look into the possible potential applications in this field. The expertise developed in the measurements of the NLO properties of new materials, within a short time, encouraged them to submit another proposal under the University-Industry Research Collaboration of HEQEP. This project titled “Innovative Biomarker Detection System using Nonlinear Optics” was awarded to the Department of Physics in 2016. Currently a Nonlinear BioOptics Laboratory is being installed for exploring the possible proposed applications.
It was a dream to set up a modern Nonlinear Optics Research Laboratory at SUST. This was made a reality due to the funding provided by HEQEP. This facility has provided a platform for the students to develop electronic devices like micro controlled chopper for laser beam chopping, translation stage, photodiode based detectors, data acquisition system, remote laser control system and other devices as part of their project assignments. This laboratory has thus enhanced and encouraged students to also develop their electronics and computational skills. Computer interfacing for signal detection and the development of calculation software for customized experiments are some of the additional challenges that have been faced and addressed.